lust is pink dark and cloudy casual in its appearance beautiful in its persistence as those reddish waves crash upon my shore lust is soft clear and winding round the bark-less trunk of my torso rustling the leaves of my hair as my roots begin to stir lust is loud quiet but growing symphonic in its metaphoric crescendo to the top of the page lick my thumb, flick back to previous sheets and try to figure out where the music started lust is music slow reggae from a stereo in the morning heavy metal blaring from a passing car in the afternoon turntable cranking out Sinatra in the evening tape deck cracking and splitting the indie rock that curls around us at night lust is strange wistful and insistent tugging at the corners of my jacket as i remove the layers that protect my jawline so you can taste the soft skin there scarf unwinding, falling to the grass and the cold flees from our shoulders frightened by our moving hands exploring the obstacles across our bodies lust is here obvious, apparent even to me in my awkward awareness of the raindrops blistering my warm skin and lust becomes silent as we swallow the sound of the tension between us put the words to our lips and bite in your mouth i find four letters l u s t and i take them from you m i n e give them back lust is generous and so am i