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Nov 2013
Never Ending

Here's a story without an ending,
contradicting, complex, complicated and condescending.
Born into a world of hate,
everyone's shoulder has so much weight.
Don't know whether to live or die,
can't decide rather to laugh or cry.
Do your best to support the family,
trying with all your might to keep the sanity.
Go to school and maybe college,
on the streets you learn most your knowledge.
Get a job and save some money,
then you end up filing for bankruptcy.
Running around in a constant circle,
always jumping over some kind of hurdle.
Life and death is just a cycle,
like a novel with no title.
You retire at a certain age,
after a life of minimum wage.
Some drink, smoke or eat to much,
it's hard to find that magical touch.
We take pills for pain and depression,
not all answers require a question.
Maybe all we need is to be loved,
tired of getting pushed and shoved.
No one really knows how we got here,
like the dinosaurs, we someday might disappear.
Not sure about you, but I like living,
or maybe we're all dead and just dreaming.
National disasters are so unpredictable,
mother nature can be so unforgivable.
This is the story in a nut shell,
sometimes living is pure hell.
It's up to us to make it better,
life is a riddle wrapped in an adventure.
Allen Wilbert
Written by
Allen Wilbert  florida
   Nameless and Queen Bee
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