God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.**
I know I can't change the color of my skin I know I cant change that I'm human and will always sin I know I may always have these scars on my body I know I can't choose my family I know I can't force love I know you're watching from the heavens above I can accept these things I know I cant change them by any means
I know I can change my attitude about my life I know this is only temporary strife Although it sometimes cuts like a knife
I know I can choose my friends I know I can choose when my journey ends God grant me the courage to understand If I reach up, will you take my hand? Lord give me wisdom Expand my mind Show me the hidden treasures that I cannot find Teach me of your ways So I may have better days You are my Lord I know you'll never tell me no If I have wisdom about anything I know you'll always love me so