Did I do right? Did I do wrong? I tried to be polite and with you sing that song I'm not good with people I hope you see that I'm not a bad person I just have a different point of view I don't always know what is and is not true one this is though if given the chance I'd do it all for you you're my one hope one shiny glimmer on my thoughts I will often simmer you're my one hope one true desire what I'd really like is to start this fire I'll do what I can to give you the matches I'll even show you all of my patches I'm not afraid of you more so of what you'll do what you'll choose I'm good for you I just need one chance to prove What do I reveal? Too much? Too little? Will you come back for more? sometimes it hurts how much I adore Can we settle this score? I'm often impatient I want to know Where will this go?