ripping shredding stabbing scratching burning churning spinning flipping falling slipping punching kicking fighting screaming crying Falling apart at your words Every particle that completes me is on fire Anger streaks through my veins, red hot They melt at the heat and my blood boils It's so viciously painful I feel my heart battering against its enclosure Demanding revenge, revelation, relief, rest My skin is crawling with a sensation I have never felt I hate it, despise it, loathe it You are every thought in my brain and every gasp of polluted air I take into my lungs Your name, your face, your words, your smell, your existence... it is killing me Every sweet whisper, every nose-to-nose embrace, every soft touch of your lips... they flash in front of my eyes like a horrific montage of lies and nightmares I find myself stumbling to find solid ground Everything beneath my feet moves Everything in front of my eyes rotates I lie flat, motionless Everything stills and I can see straight I can't feel the ground beneath my cheek as I lie there Then like the lights dim before the movie starts, the darkness creeps in I am left with my thoughts, ravaged Tell me, what do you mean you found someone else?
Thought I'd write this while my feelings are still fresh. For all those who have heard the fateful words,"I found someone else."