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Nov 2013
thirty-six years ago 
by their count 
just last week
a german girl 
with irish roots
swept lanky, 
blue-eyed lad 
from off his feet

she with hazel eyes 
that change by whim 
of brunette hair 
and silky skin
his arrival fresh 
from land afar
as appearance goes 
not foreigner 
yet foreign still 
in his homeland 
to he it was 
but fairyland

first sight a playground 
football game
same name but different 
than he’d played
their first date 
a corner burger stand
suited him, though 
not very grand

what she saw 
is still unclear
this blue-eyed lad 
from yesteryear

suffice to say 
he’s grateful she did 
and she still does
and to this day
has kept up her promise
to honor forever
and always love

and he 
knowing some say 
marriage is not their cup
he knows
(this blonde 
and blue-eyed lad)
he knows for sure...
he married 
sweet sixteen carried a different meaning...
the year of his resident arrival on US soil,
a novelty to him, and he to all who came to know him in those early days;
October 23rd, 1977,
the date of their first date,
each year passes with little fanfare by anyone else,
but the two of them,
who now more in love than ever before,
look knowingly at each other and say,
"remember when?"
SE Reimer
Written by
SE Reimer  Pacific NW
(Pacific NW)   
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