Stuck like a fly, I'm paralyzed by choices Everything needs to get done But like Ouroboros, eating his own tail The tasks are a circle with every place to start requiring a different task to be done It's a sisyphean struggle to get started on most things Yet words are my escape I share my dreams with others As their stories flow into me My consciousness recedes Rarely enough to have complete silence But even whispers are a relief From the thunderous yells "You're just lazy!" and "You'll never amount to anything." Those words and more echo through my mind Every second of every minute of every day. Wistful "if only"'s of impossible scenarios Are my constant refrain All efforts I make turn to ash and dust Just taking the next step, the next breath is a fight It's feels like it's me against the world And that weight is heavier than I can hold
Sometimes, the darkest days give the most inspiration, while others choke the will to survive. And little by little its grip tightens, it won't get me today.