What are you getting with someone like me? Not sure if we're meant to be You call me idiot and I suppose you're right If I died today would you still choose to fight? Do you want me or just a hand to hold? Sometimes you look at me with eyes so cold The clock ticks loud it's all I can hear Arms not wide open as they appear The night chasing me On my heels Wrapped in silence company steals Regret hangs heavy from battered hands Dreams ripped Thousands of strands Reach for stars but only grab empty space Lie awake motionless while my spinning thoughts race Lost shadows swallowing me in one bite Waiting for dawn's arrival with promise of light To break memories free from behind bars where they bounce Stillness remedy eagerly gulped by the ounce A raging sea of intensity quakes back and forth inside A storm I can't control though heaven knows I've tried Floating a current unable to change direction Singing audibly proof of affection It's a fascination as to why you bother to stay Trying to right my wrongs before you decide to walk away