A Is anyone there? Sharpen Hi? ygrenE Hello? 47 Soft Loud 11 rettacs Chasing me? 48 Proud of me? Big teeth H Just like me e ?evila em gninrub ?evila em gnitae a Fluffy. Out l S R Tired 13. t t u A h Yes u n f y f n o f i a detach c soahc n t o Communicate g Lisp. l No l Tree D Stop e e c a make t t Over 7 h
Sprinting Madness Spinning ytpme Circle Figure Shadow Eye Cries Helpless ****** B Try Strangle u Smile Choke 12 r lanretne n
I made something similar in my journal but my journal looks more coolio ( I swear this took an hour to make. Crying)