15-25 I searched for love in Looks Handsome face and I was hooked I was shallow, I got took. How I cried! The tears that shook these shoulders due to Looksist lies These men wore masks just to disguise Now I find they were no prize.
25-35 I went for intellect. I was much more circumspect. But i got what you'd expect. Just because a person has a mind doesn't mean they're not unkind. In fact they're meaner, you may find.
35-45 I looked upon the Heart. Bravery. One who'd take my part. I looked for talent, love of Art. But still, no love did this search bring. My own heart n'er found its wings. The Heart deceives above all things.
Now I look not for devices. That bring only deceitful vices. I'm not willing for those prices. My man's not beautiful nor bold. He is smart, but we're both old. Upon him I am totally sold...
... I finally looked upon the SOUL.
SoulSurvivor aka Write of Passage aka Invisible inc (C) 2/9/2016