Time falters— splintered light pressed through rusted blinds— a room forgetting itself.
His hands— once steady now vessels for something hollow, something slipping through.
"I found a sad little fairy Beneath the shade of a paper tree. I know a sad little fairy Who was blown away by the wind one night."
Her name a bird trapped in his throat fluttering against the ribs half-formed— half-vanished—
How cruel— to carry the ache and not the shadow that cast it.
Somewhere— the past is still happening small hands folding into larger ones, the hush of stories whispered into the hollow of sleep— a red kite tangled in the branches— the scent of almonds and grass.
But memory is a delicate violence it gives and it takes it leaves only what can be carried yellow feathers, paper trees, the ghost of a name pressed into the soft cage of breath.
He smiles— without knowing why, without knowing who
the echo— soft as breath against glass, fading before it touches
And somewhere— she is still holding his hand, leading him home
a yellow feather caught in the hush of his breath— weightless— circling— never falling.
I know a sad little fairy too— who was blown away by the wind one night.