Serving the SPAWN in the Haze
Down the rabbit hole you slide,
Dig through layers, lies unfold.
Stuck in childhood’s frozen tide...
Serving Haze—aren’t you too old?
You can’t tell the reason—true,
But you’ll see just who needs you...
Flight... WITHIN
Skies are clear—no demon,
Lies and madness gone.
Break through any beacon,
Fearless, moving on.
Once their grasp is broken,
Shadows lose their hold.
Weightless, like a token,
Upward you unfold.
Up—WITHIN: your mind
Dare to cleanse and free.
Only those who find
Truth know ecstasy.
The Evolution of a Turtle
Like a bird, the turtle dreams,
Soaring high—but in its mind.
Yet it walks where darkness teems,
Through the dust, so lost, so blind.
Free-winged birds don’t understand
Why it crawls in filth below.
To the Sky, so pure, so grand,
Evil’s mud is foul and low.
Shed your shell—no wings appear,
Yet the sky will call you still.
Seek it, rise, or drown down here,
Trapped in filth against your will.
The best ones fall. The twisted thrive,
Or rotting madmen breed alive.
This world's a pit—no will, no way,
Just darkness dragging all astray.
The Spawn’s Design
Twist all life into disgrace,
Leave no room for truth to be.
Fighting Darkness face to face—
That alone sets spirits free.
Spawn build prisons, walls grow tall,
Trapping worlds in endless night.
Yet they never build at all—
Slaves obey and rot inside.
Adam’s First Wife
Lilith won’t sleep—
She lurks so deep.
She haunts your dreams—
Beware her schemes.
Once stupid wife,
Then lost to strife.
The Devil’s claim—
Oh, what a shame!
A myth, yet strong,
A plague, a wrong.
Drive them away—
No time to stay!
The Light’s inside—
Let it be guide.
No tales, no lies—
The Night soon dies.
The master of lies, so bold, so sly—
"Our father above"? No, Satan's the guy.
The end of deceit? Just rot and decay,
We've hit rock bottom—no other way.
Fake wars, fake plagues, the world’s been sold,
Its worth? A penny, cheap and cold.
Yet fools still kneel, still take the blame,
Still wear their chains and feel no shame.
So here’s the game—the beast still reigns,
And dimwits bow to wear his chains.
No turning back, the board is set...
One last move—check and mate.
Lie Plus Stupidity Equals DECAY
Lie plus folly—spread it wide,
Preach deception, dumb them faster!
Empty faces, vacant-eyed,
Rotten fools serve their disaster.
Centuries of downward flow,
Idiocy mass-produced,
Mindless herds still sink below,
Kept in chains by lies, seduced.
Everywhere they fight for thought,
Dullness wins, the mind corrodes.
Needles call—come take your shot,
Diving deeper down the road.
This is peak—or rather, pit,
Rotting through without delay.
Just one step, and that is it—
Purge the filth, erase decay...
A web of lies, a ruling scheme,
It speaks of "joy" in hollow memes.
Yet wasted years will make it clear—
The Spawn has goals you’d learn to fear.
But flames will rise—no place to hide,
This Rotting World will burn at last.
No comfort, peace, nor quiet ride—
Salvation stands beyond the past.
Corruption dragged all souls below,
Yet one true path remains to tread:
Reclaim your strength, let Spirit grow,
Or stop decay among the dead.
Since your childhood, fear's been taught,
Death itself keeps you enslaved.
That’s the System’s core—you're caught,
Trapped in horror, bred and paved.
Lies renew in twisted fashion,
Tricks and traps are laid with skill.
Stay confused—forget your passion,
Drown in madness, lose your will.
Truth alone won’t make you brave,
Just aware—but that’s a start.
Courage is the fight you crave,
Tearing all these lies apart.
--- Total 10 poems. ---