I plummet down.
Unthinkable, unreachable speeds
In your worst nightmare.
You catch me;
for the millionth time.
Your hands lace over my delicate heart
You form another safe landing:
“It’s ok to make mistakes”.
I bounce, rebound,
Listen to the melodic sound
Of your laugh.
We sit in your office–
lost hours... Sacred memories.
Balancing on safety pins,
Paperclips, broken cups, sips of tea.
You and Me.
We talk like we always did.
–We talk so well.
You understand like you always have...
Blue chairs, a windowsill full of cards,
I cleaned it once.
No sugar, out of date milk, lunch, salads, cake.
All these things make;
Car journeys, new opportunities.
We grow –
a bond.
Our knowledge increases, our time
An Elvis cup, a calendar, a boiling kettle.
Bins overflowing, tears slowing.
I’ve cried on you so many times.
– Photographs, drawings, a telescope.
Candles, notes,
I wrote –
An inbox full of emails
A sent box bursting
Full to the very brim.
Advice, nice, kind
Your never did mind
my presence.
Up and down
Like a bouncy castle.
Hospital trips, ambulances,
Short breaths
–Not to mention the rest...
You never fail to astound
Your control and empathy
In situations that surround
Worry, anger –
Thank you cards,
3 from me
–You deserve more.
A door with a window,
A miniature water fall.
Jaffa cakes, singing
That’s not all.
A red coat with roses;
A pink laptop case;
A smile
Trapped in space
–between us
Footsteps, metres.
A walk on the field,
A meal.
Memories, stapled, pinned, sewn,
Hooked, fastened, locked, glued.
Always remembering, treasuring
Every moment,
The first of the twelfth
Two thousand and eight
The date
We made this.
Thank you.
2011 ©