For one who brightens up my day Wrote this poem about all the ways That you make life worth living Constantly loving and consistently giving I've thought lots about it and it's time I let you know As long as I am breathing I am never letting go Blessed lying next to you naked in bed Savoring each sweet sentence said And when I cannot find a single reason to go on Remind me of the opportunity rising with each dawn When all my hope has swirled down the drain I cannot see the silver lining through the pouring rain Anyone else would give up centuries ago You dig your heels in the dirt refusing to go I wish I could be more like you Inspiration echoes everything you do I never understood what you want about me Complete mess at best it seems is all I'll ever be I'm usually wrong You're mostly right Suspect the passion is what makes us fight If we did not care getting along would be a breeze In my opinion it is a positive sign we so often disagree But some moments been known to take it too far The last thing I intend to do is leave an emotional scar I promise I will behave rationally when conversation turns heated If both strive to change there's no way we'll get defeated I know I test patience with my stupid decisions Literally and figuratively suffer poor vision My fingertips dance like whispers on your skin Expectations are an ocean I'm drowning in If I sink to bottom you'll dive beneath waves Bring me to surface Ensure I am saved You rescue me regularly from dark parts of who I am Afraid being vulnerable so I act like I don't give a **** But in my mind screaming that I actually do Held back by intimidation of not being good enough for you In strength and perseverance outpace me by miles Handsome face on top of that plus a gorgeous smile I can't compare and that's why I rarely try Because I assume eventually you'll choose to say goodbye But until that happens trying harder every day In hopes somehow you'll chance it in your heart to stay Please forgive me for getting on your nerves And thank you for treating me wonderful when it's not what I deserve The only one who can motivate me when I am blue I am lucky to have a partner like you