When what truth which eases essential vanity defines the next thought There is another mephesto, hunting, dreaming believing tearing a heart ******, pale, defined by gaunt avail, the true nuisances acclaim Pith and torrid, bounced about frail victims now fraught Whom Etched stayed chiseled caustic Sanskrit cleanses avarice now from sentient words of Angels ... to whom do you belong?
Made from deviant pillars which hold the Earth and fear ever essence Kneading it’s morbid vows emblems of Satan worthy of every marriage and within every vow
Listen, one must listen to deliverance so demure so loutonous so as the evil one’s appear More than masks abiding by the glamourous defense Pretend for those that scheme together with the best Soon shall endurance and the sanctimonious curtsy snipes make less ...of the more
And the more shall bleed moralless as the need flails at sallow wisdomless one's Liche dancing queen haughty breasted women and *** for hire clean Lest our virtue stand betwixt the void and who doth thou claim to be Malevolent jists benevolent yearly cherubs and seasonal witches Shall all scree and scribe And make eschuance zenith for the Drachnire flames from eternity ...that spilled their spells to Heaven... are defied by the existence of the great ones’... inculcation, step, hold, believe not
What little of death did the game afore- now waylays for what little symposium or affective ascensional rights forced to valiance
Once and inside cut by knife once again Did soist wenches their heroes and the Gods now believe hold the cause to effect trying to moushet; flagrant violence peace affronts validation nuances and complete glory for gang revolution