Higher & higher I can feel it start Palpitating, faster & faster goes my heart I am desperately trying to calm down The voices talking, its an effort to block the sound I’m getting bad so I’ll try to occupy my mind Creating tasks or to dos helps I find I look for anything & everything to do Journaling & poetry writing helps too The voice always fills me with terrible doubt I must ignore, breath in one, two, three and out Its ok its just an attack you have had one before Just calm your mind by finding a chore Sometimes it happens, but you know you won’t die Whatever the voice is saying to you does not apply Its just your mind the voice is not real It will go away just wait soon you will heal Don’t let the voice make you stray See your already feeling better, you’ll be okay Yes, it’s horrible, I know you become afraid But you are fine its already starting to fade I know you wish you could turn it off with a switch Yes, anxiety she is a real b*tch.
I had another panic attack today so i wrote this to help, i hate that i suffer from anxiety