He blew in sideways on a rainy day With a smile I called it the ecstaticism. And oh how I loved! In between day one and the end He took me on a ride. Through the mountains Winding roads and ups and downs Just like a dragons's tail He saved the the deepest drop for last And all of my security, most of my trust, half of my dignity, and too much of my faith Fell out of my pockets and into his lap. I never saw him again. But he still has all those things. And suddenly I am blessed with everything I have always wanted But without those precious things I can't really enjoy any of it. I still feel something akin to the panic of realizing you can't find your kid in a department store for 5 seconds, Everytime I see a Red Tacoma. Which is pretty **** frequently. It's like receiving quick jolts of electricity without any notice at any given time of any day. Trauma, it's a *****.