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Oct 2013
There was a scent of vanilla and wine within the air
When it all first settled in.

Just a minor pluck of a heart-string.
Tug, Tug, Tug,
1, 2, 3, and it was done.

There was no cupid necessary for feelings unrepressed.
Like plate tectonics, emotions quake, release and reverberate.
Walls I built had been broken down, I lay explicitly vulnerable

Truth revealed all along.

Healing disguised in healthy fear
disguised in rumbling hearts cracking open
pouring out, washing out
the past.

A cleansing moment with what I never
thought could or would be.
A high vibration,
A secret language composed of smiles
Just you and me
Written by
Christina  29/F/Planet Earth
(29/F/Planet Earth)   
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