Humble and true. There was a very close friend A man being and the warmth like the sun A smile that would make the Moon grin The man, my buddy Franklyn Greene He died three years ago I didn’t take his death well when I was told I knew him over 30+ years from teenage to adult It’s hard when you lose someone close Mr. Greene is worthy of my boast He was like nobody else He had strength to turn a small rock into pebble pieces Yet, had strength in character Franklyn Greene was my biggest fan and always gave me inspiration.
Mr. Greene would often say, “I have seen you grow from teenager to a Man” I am proud in who you have become You believed in yourself, and he always believed in me It was Franklyn Greene’s assurance and influence that I began To believe in my own purpose in life Fulfilling my dreams that became realities meant to be Strong Man Mr. Greene was always full of encouragement My destination surfaced through the morning sunrise surpassed Beyond the sunset.
Life can be funny at times and complexed It’s the hard knocks being the learning experiences through the pitfalls in making one strong and making one’s life complete Mr. Greene, you were instrumental in my life more than you know You are looking down on me with giving me an applause But it is me giving you applause Through your friendship, and our words spoken that I see life and living it Thank you friend my everlasting buddy.