Colours melt against the dark A sugar coated daydream that dissolved on your tounge Quicker than childhood or candyfloss The playtime you forgot because it rusted Something so misunderstood you trust it The memory just a crumb The dust hoovered up in the second chaos is cataclysmic In a nest of ribbons I smudge on a smile It's been a while since we met like this
You may call me foolish With my Mismatched fashion A harlequin grin my sultry stains on powdered skin whimsy limbs limp Puppetired by passion
Prejudice to this in dark ideas I become the mascot of your fears I want to comfort but i make your skin crawl Hyena laugh till our ears leak milk And our noses fall off Too fake and faded lost to years of colours you created Colours that equate to the dark spark against your defence Showing their teeth luminate Building shrines that echo our nonsense Burritoed inside silken sheets Where giggles flavour each sleep
Don't go so Soon?
We're just testing you Jesting you Pulling your leg Twisting balloons No doom and gloom When I'm in my truest form I'm a different person to who I was before
Born to perform Fed on charm and charisma Comic relief, I sigh to receive and relieve your laughter
So define me remind me Why I can't always feel this free Fear me spear me with normality Try control me conform me confront my weird and wacky
I'm only here to reverse your frown So please don't be scared of this silly old clown