Cutta’ peace Of the skyscraper Cake Let them eat From the scrap heaps Of history Still on repeat And asleep I could teach A class Clearly distinguished But through it Exude A feud Not yet relinquished
So onto impending Long marches embark To the promised landless Wealth disparities Stark And the heart of it? Darkness A global south reeling Like sea levels up to Our bets In debt ceiling
The whole world is feeling Disorders And borders Our minds Are bombarded by Media mortars Attention-grabs constantly Picking our pockets And more artificial Brain draining Can't stop it
And you think it’s what? An Israeli Witch hunt? Robber baron Trump cun🙃’s Next publicity stunt? That will salvage this sinking Titanic disgrace This imperial ******* cede’s Unresolved race To consumerist Rock bottom's Mass-produced waste
But my warning Though cryptic, Explicit for years It would come With a flag, And a cross, And some beers But I’d gladly break bread With my countrymen Now and then Free to speak Their preferred tongues Of American
Fluently spewing Self-evident truths Yet proficiently parroting Penguins in suits With their legacies Stained Merit-baseless Admission Still masterfully feigned As a unified vision
Omissions of guilt From the most Greedy filth We have seen In our time By the millions A minute Their profit ships Climb Fleeing gleefully Leaving so many Behind And these penny stock Options Seem more like a crime…🤔…
But I guess we don’t try Those offenses In court We just settle for less Than a right to abort We don’t hold to account All the coin they extort Don’t put tariffs On trafficking human Import Unreported Distorted reality Snort When the law Is a ***** fat cat, A Musk rat, A rohypnotize Broligarch Party boy Frat