Early this morning downstairs in the kitchen new sunlight is beaming on fresh painted isle it spills to the floor like water, light streaming on warm 'Sandy Beaches' mom's favorite tile.
and out through her windows it pours in the front yard kissing green lawn which is littered with leaves wet brown and orange red, golden yellow while shadows are present still under the eaves
coffee steam rising it wafts up the staircase and into the room where I'm barely asleep awaken my senses and draw me to sitting when off of the mattress I suddenly leap
Today is a brisk one my window cracked open cause breathing cool air to me always feels best I play with the thermostat keep myself cozy I'm layered on thickly, topped off with a vest
So I sit here writing, while tile guy cutting the ones he will place near the door to our home upon which will stand all our autumnal guests who are shopping for houses not reading this poem.
I've turned up the music, Bon Iver, with coffee to comfort the artisan working his trade along with his help who'd complained of a headache his sinuses cleared with medicinal aid.
And letting the morning lapse into the noonday while dew's burning off, we'll be singing a song blue sky or cloudy, misty or raining it's daytime, we're doing and rolling along.
And as I tap lightly, I am seriously sinking in work I must finish to ready this place today I am painting a bedroom and thinking how lovely it is to create, to erase
all of the bumps and the holes from our living I'll spackle and sand to a smooth starting clean so nice that old wallboard can be so forgiving and I prefer flat paint without any sheen.
the sun's setting quickly but night-time comes slowly as it is common to dusk on the land revealing the stars I can see further out and enjoying the evening, with nothing else planned.
I trudge to the place where my day always ends and isn't that something, just as it begins I pull back the covers and punch up the pillow and ask Love's forgiveness for all of my sins.
Nobody tells us to keep our lives simple a choice that we make to be glad less the gold for the things that are free less the stuff that we carry a pleasure to have which will never grow old.