After all this time I feel that I Have a need to apologize For all the abuse I've put through This worn-out weary body of mine
First and foremost, to say the least Apologies to my aching feet and knees For the pounding I give on a daily base Across miles and miles of cold concrete
I find I owe it to my eyes That lay inside these sunken sockets The lack of sleep they get with me On toss and turn nights, each time I've fought it
And this smile you see with fewer teeth I also owe an apology For putting them through nightly grinds When all they've done is trust in me
These bent arthritic calloused hands My hope is they both understand I'm sorry for the abuse I've put them through And promise to use lotion, even though I'm a man
Before all is done and all is said To this brain inside my aching head What little matter there is left I'm sorry for all the wrong thoughts I've had
I could go to infinity and beyond Naming the abuse, from day one I've brought on But ain't nobody got time for that And hey, anyways...I'm not yet done