A seed of love that never found The hallowed path to fertile ground; The fruitless tree, the orchard bare . . . Although unseen, the pain is there
How sad the heart that stokes the bed Of ashes from a love long dead; Futile hope that a spark might flare . . . How great the pain that's dwelling there
An outstretched hand that no one holds As night's obsidian cloak unfolds; Whispered low, a desperate prayer, But no response . . . the pain's still there
As the tide leaves, you'll hear the shore Cry out "O, please, come back once more!' Desolation's so hard to bear . . . Barren and bleak, yet pain thrives there
The widowed sparrow mourns her mate -- Brief happiness, betrayed by Fate; A nest designed with tender care, But not abandoned -- pain lives there
The loneliness of passing years No longer prompts my wasted tears; Too late we learn life is unfair, Yet all the while, the pain is there