Big tree On my front yard It is a beauty And it brings back so many memories
Suddenly I'm a little curly-haired toddler Walking around it Swinging from the branches Trying to fly Little did I know I already was
Then I'm 7 years old Playing hide and seek Hiding behind it Both from my friend trying to find me And the cruel world
And finally I'm 12 Hugging it Thanking it for all its done Stroking it while the tears strock my cheeks ... "Goodbye" I whisper Knowing that it may be a long time until I will be able to be comforted by it once more
The wind blows "Goodbye"
Now I stand in front of it again "Hello again, my friend I've missed you"
I had dinner with my dad tonight in his house/my house before he kicked me and my mom out. I haven't been there in like a year. It felt so good to see everything again, even if he was himself (aka not the most pleasant person.)