I seen a picture of me back to the time when my hair was teal my hair is raging red now. I seen the smile on my face and wondered what back then could have replaced my melanin with shades of pink. It was a picture taken by my sister while I called you. I seen a screen recording of one our FaceTime calls. This time I wasn't so focused on you but the lightness in my voice I speak too harshly for some now. and the look on my face. I smile less more now. I know her, but she doesn't know me. I know things she'll never know. She wouldn't believe me if I said we don't talk anymore I seen a picture I took of you. It's been a while since I've seen those eyes. I push back my teal hair to reveal the rose on my cheeks. I smile. I smile and actually mean it. I'm still that girl, I'll always be that girl. I'll spend a lifetime trying to find something other than you that will make her come out again. I miss you, me.
I know the old versions of myself like the spirals in my fingertips, I do not know the woman I'll become.