There sits on the bank of a river A child all dressed up in gold As she sits on the bank she is crying And the wind is sharp, silver, and cold
Her dress lies in pools all around her And the skirt is encrusted with jewels Which glint just like stars in the darkness As she cries for this world made of fools
A lover who charmed and abandoned Such a tale of unforeseen woe That had swooped like a bat from the darkness And delivered an unwanted blow
And these teardrops that fall from her lashes Each one of them turns to a pearl That lands on the dark fertile soil And they grow into plants that unfurl
And this garden that grows up around her Is in colors as bright as the sun And the flowers that blossom and open Are in hues that appear every dawn
And she sits and she cries and she mourns In that dress for the richest of queens And she looks at the beauty around her The leafs are in all different greens
She looks at the tall trees and creepers And she gazes at the long tangled vines She lifts up her head and she marvels At the flowers of all different kinds
But they cannot acquit her of sorrow They cannot rid her of pain So she walks into the river of water Never to come up again
And the river it carries her sadness It's burdened with all of her griefs And the water is glossy like pearls Gently sway the overhanging leafs
As her body is carried beneath them And they sing a whispering song For the child who cried them to being And mourned for the things that were wrong
There sits on the bank of a river Many trees all dressed up in gold As they sit on the bank they are crying And the wind is sharp, silver, and cold