i spent some time alone with my friends pondering the glitter of gold and the clear-fire of night, paying homage to the china, by candlelight i dreamed of shortcomings and how to:
wiping chalkboard, the teacher spins the disc, while children laugh and throw stones, their desks more comfortable than the crucifix they all heard of somewhere. A shrug and curt nod as they drift back to longings for recess or snack-time. The little girl in the back knows she has no milk money, but will gladly trade for some.
That's all they really want
A whistle for the stride or a poster for the wall. All the adventurous boys sense this choosing to pool resources to achieve a common goal. They pruned the cattle and slaughtered the choicest for their own. Jealous, tyrannical lovers thrusting themselves such as, shamelessly.