The world is going to end And we are all going to die Or, the world is not going to end And we are all going to die anyway In the meantime between the two All we can do is all that matters Love, live, keep climbing this mountain Until the birds stop migrating And they altogether stop singing Until the creatures disappear And we are left only with ourselves alone Until the sun stops rising And the warmth leaves for good Though the world will keep spinning (And we won't know why) (You'd think it'd stop spinning, At that point, Once it all goes to **** for us) But the world is going to end And we're all going to die So might as well keep on living All the same as before Fighting for every moment we can have For freedom from these cycles, these Cages where we are the birds No longer singing nor winging Or, the world is not going to end And we are all going to die anyway, Someday, But as the creatures still roam and We are not yet on our lonesome All we can do Is all that matters Love, live, keep climbing this **** mountain Until one day we are able To see the sun on the other side Once more