Echoing voices can be heard from Former President Obama, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Medgar Wiley Evers and numerous other Afro American pioneers It’s time to preserver Mobilize in no fear Stand America Be Strong and Courageous Pinnacle circumstance Ironic situation Battle cry Civll Rights Armor on Lift your voices in the rallying call “We can’t stop and won’t be stopped” Brothers and Sisters in the cause Fist of power raised up determined.
Liberty and Freedom desired Mission focus We can’t turn back, but only reflect back We kneel in asking God for our guidance Forward being strong in onward Turning for years struggle into victory America’s continuation story Faith moves mountains Our climb full of endurance Heaven’s guidance our assurance.
Our Forefathers before us gave a good fight We must continue the action for today and way into the future We can’t sit back and wonder We must make change happen Our lives came from before, and we are anecdote in the after We are the multitudes There cannot not be any Civil Rights conclude Together we can bring America to soothe No win or lose principle Our forefathers want us to be determined to fulfill Changing Hatred, Killings and non-acceptance of Race Step out and continue the movement All Races need to come together as one One day our rise Today to energize The uplifted outcome Together we must stand.