In my sickly delirium... What started as a simple enough cold Morphed into an onset of the GRYPA... Or as I like to call it: the gryps... or grips... should you wish to know: The Y is a hollowed out Iota: yes for Short: aye aye, pirate eye...
It's this analogy I have in my burning brain... A supposed beggar woman asked me Once for 20 squid and I gave it to her Because a storm was coming And she sounded so convincing But today she asked without any predatorial cunning for the same amount And I just barked: NO! NIET! NEIN! I've stopped feeling sorry for these opportunists As I walked into the store to buy My remedy of a little whiskey for The cough and aches and later some coffee She quickly shuffled from the bench Because I'm just, simply done with All this fakery this victimhood mentality: It bothers me...
I've had three attempts on my life... One when I was a bambino is hospital A nurse tries to choke me Another time when a mother Of my best fried tried to push me into a well... A third time when I experienced A brain haemorrhage when A Muslim buddy of mine thought It would be exciting to give me bad Drugs and I stupid enough thought it Might be soft LSD.... Aged 21 and then over 10 years Spent in madness trying to figure **** out
See, but i love myself when I'm sick And striving: i see the relentlessness Of the self-will as the all encompassing Self-preservation projection And I'm under no illusion Of a free-will... bandage throughout Whether a slave to the passions or To the necessity of labour and all That entails the need for money And why I'm not a plumber But I can pay a plumber to do A plumber's work...
In this weakened state I see The supposed admiration for predators In the animal kingdom, the quasi-nobility Of the tiger etc But predators are not unique In that they are beautiful But merely opportunistic What's truly admirable Is the animal that's having to employ All the vitality in its abstract: In essence... supra-intuitively With heightened senses... Why am I sick because I don't eat Well enough I drink or maybe My coworker visited a hospital recently He's ill etc I'm not shifting blame I just live being myself disinhibited When I'm frail that's when I truly Come to the fore when I can bark At a beggar woman and feel not Disney-esque repercussions of being Chastised and made impotent or turned Into.a beast and cursed So be it! Have me as your beast! And I'll make sure that third party Of your God is to be turned into a Chimera: Tell me of the "person" that is the Holy Spirit: The PERSON... not the allusion To the Christian Church or the Islamic Ummah...
As a Slav I'm tired of the ****** and **** Jokes... tired of them... It's almost insulting in a way only Hebrews might joke... I was next on the list for extermination And if we weren't forced to build Auschwitz then we had the prospect Of thinking our tongue to be extinct: Genuine concerns... And now I'm sick of Europe And Europeans Unlike that scene from the Last Samurai Where the colonel asks Tom Cruise: Why do you hate your own people So much... Well... you have given me all the right Reasons... this diabolical all inclusivity Mantras of pseudo-communism... I'd rather live among the barbaric Polynesians And see the world through the lense Of Gauguin... I don't want to live among Europeans Simply for their sadomasochism And lack of once existent bravado And chauvinistic expectations: I don't want to live among them And I'm certainly not going to live Among the Russians or my supposed Fellow countrymen in Poland Even though I speak the tongue I'd rather retain than tongue for personal Reasons of... Playing a joke on psychiatry with: Bilingualism is a another version Of schizophrenia... didn't you know?
In my weakness of nearing flu fatigue I'm buckling, stomping: in a frenzy... Unlike the predator I'm in desperation mode and there is Nothing unique or admirable About a predators... it's the admiration For the animal about to be eaten And how it conjures a beyond freedom: This ******* of freedom Corruption by both Happiness and misery Sickness and health... But health rarely gives permission For the mind to overcome body It's only in sickness they you start Tripping like you might with some brushstrokes of illumination from Despondency... bluish silver moon melancholy mischievous melancholy...
Still "reading" Jon Fosse... It's not so much reading as meditating And yesterday's interlude had Asle and Asle poised together With the DT's: delirium tantrums The shakes And i drink, I think: But it never got that bad that I might Shake... but it was like the Scandinavia Adventure of the simpler poison That the elaboration by American Beatniks and the heresy Of writing under the influence of Plebyscilin or LSD or achuasca and I don't mind being dyslexic At the point.... I shouldn't be at work but I am And I'm feverish and *****... and probably a little crazy... But that passage from Fosse about Asle and Asle mistaking being on a boat And all that snow Made me want to drink a bottle Of strong cider 8.2% in a public place At a bus stop waiting with other people Going to work and going to school While I was like: 7am is 7pm for me: I don't know why you think i might Have a drinking problem...
These night shifts will end I could do them in the winter months But the day is creeping in And my biology is rebelling against The ******* econoc model: economic... It would be plausible to do this site On a 3 man rotation: 8 x 3 = 24 hours But these 12h rotations are insane And inhumane and I don't give A flying ****'s fat *** what the argument For capitalism, western values blah blah Flux more blah blah Christianity is better than Islam Blah blah some more... It's a 3 man job per shift... Even the ******* communists knew This when operating a metallurgical plant They had 3 shifts... day... 6am start... Night and graveyard! **** your Mr Little Society Know It All
And as for the "supposed" lie... And you will know the difference between Good and Evil... But I did dah that lie while throwing The illusion of you being in a garden, In paradise... seems like a small price To pay compared to what God might Have said: with you on a barren mountain Side or in the desert Or in the open sea With not water to drink Imagine the reality check If God spoke to you, dearest man And you didn't have the illusion of being Spoken to in the garden of delights But of course you had to **** up That garden of being delighted As the middle class Englishman With a garden of your own Candide: tend to No no... you had to **** that up too! What wasn't reallya lie Was the veil of the garden Of paradise When in fact you already knew The nuance of knowledge with the conjunction AND because good and evil Implores relativism after all didn't Your Savior say that it rains and shines On both the good and evil man? But where were you? Stranded in a forest awaiting to labour To uproot all those trees to Make the land fertile and arable: Arabs... spare me the desert harshness Reality I'll ask the 'Skimo about The reality of the freezing Tundra... *****...
Even now it's so funny in England The English might But i won't be schooled in language By some ******* Somali About the term Aboriginal Cf. Indigenous when The ******* Somali knows **** about ethnonyms and exonyms Like how the English refer To themselves as expatriates When moving to America And everyone else is immigrant... Proper garden tools in this middle tier Logic... class: English society is so transparent With the proper guise of license And education and accent... But Ghandi was right about the Europeans: They set off glorifying the names Jesus Christ for 2000 years With the help of the H'americans That'll leave us 1000 years worth Of remembering Adolph ******...
Long before Einstein came Along and gave man insight Into revealing actual relativism Of combining space with time Man's inherent "flaw" was to settle His ontological trajectory to fathom Existence built upon "my" Ethical Relativism... Each time a deviation occurred Something miraculous happened: An original man was born... One who could quench my desire For harmony in the working progress Paradox... the oomph and propeller... Man was already sentenced to Moral Relativism long before E = MCsq came about... The moral relativism of a Crusade Or of Jihad... it's for the good: with some evil Spices along the way....
Who needs geneological testing... I know where I'm from: Based upon what my mind is Responsive to, unabashed and disinhibited... I don't need to know what I already know When I succumb to Scandinavia literature And abhor Jane Austen's private **** sensibilities Since I already know she's playing The victim cards with Pakistani **** Gangs and fair enough... But this is my proper chance to get laid By flying ******* off to Kauai And finding myself a Mayan bride... Because the girls really didn't take A fancy to me so World's your oyster, matey... Just wondering why Jimmy Saville died before this phenomenal news came about... Sorry? Who am I feeling sorry For when Eastern Women ask The question:and where were these girls' Parents?! What am I to seriously believe: I can understand moral relativism... What i don't understand is the media "Moral" inflation / conflation...