a new poet, here, quite breathless, in this new rarefied universe-of-uni-que-verses, five, count’em, five poems fell from within me but to (out-with) you, even without you as if they existed prior, since the beginning of time, and just needing releasing, like birds from a jailor’s cage, and well for me, feeling freedom for the very first time, it’s a major minor miracle, two whole followers, and I
run to the sea shores to advise the world of no-one-can hear-me of this new development, and the silence rewards me with a sense of awe, at this earthshaking development, because I am actually shaking & stirring with/from a crazy mixture of anxiety excitement exhaustion, crazy like someone slipped me a key to a whole other world, to where I can steal away anytime I want and shout out over an empty beach, words of creation sung in a crazy tune, and I realize that I am actually naturally high
**this is so very cool. feel free to laugh, at or with me, no cares, as long as our laughing is in our mutual language!