when Shiva married Kali and when i said that Yahweh and Allah would only showthemselves as lesser gods should they attack Shiva maried to Dancing with Kali and there was no Adam or Eve to be seen and i would ask Monotheism to: shut the **** up and i would be the Jailor of the Literary virus of: find me the term: Letter Worm in Hindu... now! पत्र कीड़ा (patr: keeda)... the letter worm: of the monotheistic dough: of man: when thrown into our mix of spices: what a Frankenstein emerged: but at least to our liking our Blue of Vishnu with the Green Emerland of Aztec slumber and Incan faces: so numerous like Incas were no ****** and resisted the Spanish Conquistadors... but the Aztec and Mayan and Puerto Rican ******* gave rise to the brothel with JEsus christ... oh i see it... because like the Incan women with pride the north American women would rather die the death of a Spartan daughter than a Roman wife... they are still native the Peruvians the Incas... a bit like the extinct faces of the Mohawk and the Scalp of Yod off of Tid... that little bit of scalp this Hew that remains while i am gone because i wanted to scalp you proper you prop Kitzmwah.... mwua... like Turkish: barber: kiss kiss.... maybe all Catholic priests are gay or homosexuals: but i'm sure all of Turkish barbers are gay and pederasts... becaue Islamic homosexuality is different to Christian and Anti-Christian and Secular Homosexuality: like prescribed by Audrey Burroughs... Trans-Genderism should exist... when... the entire world is Bilingual: i advocate for America to become a superpower when: it advocates for the coexistence of... two tongues of equal status: i would like to petition to America for a twin... one moment... i need a drink... i would like for America to become the bilingual empire revival: as the harvest of Spain and England: we need a wedding: of distant cousins of history: related to England and Spain: but not of: the abstract chess piece cruxes... England and Spain are a distance somewhere meditating the in-between...
should America become bilingual: Russia is ****** by comparison: America might better work as a bilingual Empire: with sects allocated to the percentage of tongue usage: and there would be no religion but only the focus of language and each religion would become a lesser sense of language because religion constricts language as tool to do: whatever oh so much might be deemed less: our 18 years and a child apart: but out of where the fest of brothel so little tender moments of eloquence might be a constant reminder that i might juggle to regurgitate and pretend to ingest oh little o and O no half hidden hooves: i thought unless CHeat i might know why Dyslexia is real in English but not real in Polish and maybe i wonder what the French reality of dyslexia is like they thought introducing Islam would make people forget the lepers and the dyslexics?! erosion of cencoirship half baked begun: how much drinking wold you think: it would take: for me? to sink a longboat of vikings by the drinking monk fury of the first landing: forget my name: my telekinesis telepathy mm'ha! such sudden awe and riddle: but no shock: like pauper journalist poet then some washed up desperate actor as Ribinson Crusoe: ribbin: ribbot: writ-bit: ribbit: rabbit: Reyla: status: single: mum! mum! mum! mum!
i drink pure water: alcohol is pure water: you know that parasites live in water: alcohol is a bit like: being a dragon and having already drank the seas: i have already drank from the salt seas i'm now drinking from the seas of fire i am drinking alcohol having drank all the seas... i see carvens of lost chances... oh i have spent more then 1000 days in the sea of fire... my stomach has several seas of fire: i took 4 paracetamols and one APAP complex before falling asleep i harked most of my Terminator style location of the BAKCYL: in my throat... so i harked it out i worked it out with a different schematic not the schematic of the ego, superego, id...
the exonym and the endonym? ****** and Pole? you remember i told you about the other ******* *******: the Irish and the Polacks in the mines: waiting for a Dwarf.. i did say: whoever said eye for an eye: St. Peter didn't say: ear for an ear: but hey presto the concern of van Gogh! if you could narrate the painting of each i think this is medium best invested in by women to counter fan-fiction dry **** and *******...
write me a short story, an essay, a poem, a theory: a system for the reflex: an ideology for the reflection: a life: a death: simply yearn: and learn... then dream and forget: this i give you: telepathic O unison.