Teddy the Toad gained a new hope When Freda the Frog came along Proving you never know when true love will show As they met on a log in the middle of the swamp
From that point on they were never alone Swimmingly got along, warts and all Planned their wedding day to take place in late May Then gave all their amphibious friends a call
They got married don't you know as all the frog's croaked Like a song from the angels above Just then Teddy saw a fly from out the corner of his eye And shared it with Freda to solidify their love
The reception that night was lite up by fireflies With the guests dancing their way across Lilly pads As the night came to a close, everyone stumbled back home Where Teddy and Freda were the only two left
That night Freda laid her eggs and in no time, they hatched Happy they both tied the knot As a matter of fact, you can ribbit on that As they do every night, down at the swamp