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Oct 2013
It's amazing how,
in the silence,
you hear so much.
How the screaming
you thought so strong
is nothing but a whisper.
And those unintelligible whispers
echo in this hollowness
until they're the only thing you can hear.
You and I are like two very similar pieces of cloth:
both warn and tattered
both used and bedraggled
both healing wounds the other has left.
You and I --
we're meant to fit together like puzzle pieces:
shaped for each other.
You and I are like two magnets,
tell us to face each other and we repel,
turn us away and we attract.
There's so much that could be pushing us apart,
but so much more that's pulling us together.
In this silences,
that has cut me so deep,
I find I can't sleep
without seeing your face.
Carsyn Smith
Written by
Carsyn Smith  PA, USA
(PA, USA)   
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