I find myself, alone this Christmas My love is a thousand miles away And they are alone too Is it too much to ask for a Christmas Miracle?
Through the cold brisk winter night The freezing rain begins to fall Too warm for snow, too cold for rain The season seems to fight against us
I often wonder, is she thinking of me Or a least thinking as much as I do The very thoughts linger, like the warmth of her kiss The feelings fresh in my heart, this longing
I don’t deserve her, don’t know how I got this lucky She is an angel, no – Celestial Dragon My benevolent protector, she mends my heart I’m hers, her Stoic Knight, I rescued her heart
Yet I feel sorrow on this winter’s night Sleet stinging my face, tears freezing to my cheek The pain of the distance creeps in, but I maintain hope The beat of my heart, felt many leagues away.
We share the light of our hearts We share the warmth of our kisses We share the comfort of our embraces We share a love beyond the distance.
The holidays can be lonely for those away from family and loved ones. I am no exception. Find someone, Hold someone, and share the warmth of the Holidays with those who seem lost and alone.