Water trickling down into the river: from clouds God's Spirit, like a dove, descends, as a voice proclaims, My Son the life-giver.
On the sable hair of our forgiver droplets form, as Jesus’ baptism sends water trickling down into the river.
Sunlit torrents pour down from upriver their roaring origin, in stillness ends, as a voice proclaims, My Son the life-giver.
The veil rips open, a golden sliver illuminates – with bright yellow beam-ends– water trickling down into the river.
Is it the cold Jordan makes me shiver or do I feel a something that transcends as a voice proclaims, My Son the life-giver?
I stand and watch from the bank downriver this man who will make fishermen his friends. Water trickling down into the river as a voice proclaims, My Son the life-giver.