...at last. [My cousin's chihuahua is named Marzipan, and was the star of the show while I visited since well, you know chihuahuas....]
Cream gravy of the maple sausage dense With flavour--Jimmy Dean's! and biscuits tale ...For New Year's eh? Dunno. The dishes trail Frae baking in the kitchen Monday thence Washed, dried, and stowed, craft omelet, porridge hence With clem'tines and Chobani--brunch' detail, Bake scallops, boil potatoes to avail Us with a salad for lunch and ah, whence? Quick! Scuttle off afresh to work in tour, Sweet mem'ries of last night a dream I knew Which fades, th'attack ch'huahua's bite as t'were But figments of the vision--Marz'pan to Shy cats--the laughter and dear fun bestir Lost days since past. Oh LORD, that we'd see You.
The shift I was scheduled for was curtailed, but they gave me hours elsewhere, and what that entailed left me no time to scribble.