Human life moves fast
shows things, words, convinces
It shows things that are not created,
but about what is created in the heart
No healthy person will say
And even when life is sad
Don't lose hope, because it's very tedious anyway
Everything is falling apart
You're lying on the ground, you're in despair
Suddenly a ray of sunshine appears,
Drivetrain like in a sports car
Engine straight from the sky
It's coming back, and you want to change it, present it like a bestseller,
Put it on a distant shelf, away from light, eyes of the gaze
for old memories
And when you see yourself in the mirror after grayness and indifference... You bet something...
It's love, faith, hope
-Happiness at last, faith at last,
As if my punishment had passed, you thought
not seeing your reflection that you have already seen,
reflections from the mirror of childhood. It's faith
Not only old memories will remain
Don't worry about everything, rest and don't run all the time.
There is a time for everything, when you are young do not try to run an adult marathon, and when you are not an adult do not run a marathon of work until the coffin. Don't carry a big stone like Sisyphus. in your heart, not in your head