On my nighttime walks I always see planes flying by Soaring up ever so high in the sky
I think about the Many, many people up there in that plane going somewhere for some reason
And how whenever I leave a place on a plane I wave goodbye
maybe I wave goodbye to the country or state but I think I'm waving goodbye to the theoretical stranger who's waving bye back at me
So when I see the plane soaring up in the sky
I lift my hand as high as I can and wave jumping up and down
I wonder if they're wondering if someone is waving back
anyhow, I know that they don't know it's me
I am the only one who knows But I guess not anymore because now you do too
So, If you're ever flying over NJ Just know That there's a chance I'm waving at you
Do this for every plane I see, and I live near an airport (kind of ) so I see quite a bit
(this note was written by a grain of sand that ate baloney for brunch. He ate so much of it that he exploded. One of the pieces that exploded from him is now making a plan to take over the world (just a heads up).)