You are sky and sea beyond little me You are inescapable unable to be locked up or corralled or expressed in mere words words limit your being yet they are what we have for the time being but we have music which is beyond mere words we have light and dark we have canvas and computers but computers work with digits ones and zeroes in the sky in the ether in infinite variety.
Infinite variety that is who you are always new ageless angleless It is what attracts me to you you in your agelessness I’ve always been fascinated with the new that is one reason I’m drawn to you. You are ever changing yet religion speaks of your changelessness. Why is that?
Humans need patterns and habits, customs and values and norms to give them a sense of who they are.
Yet what is fascinating about you is your changeability. You got it my boy. Thus the limits of religion.
I often journal in the form of a conversation with my higher power. The above is the product of one of my journal entries.