Day after day Alone on a hill The girl with the fake smile Is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know her They can see she's weird
And no matter how hard she tries She can't be the way they are
But the girl with the fake smile Sees the tear a boy in math tries to hide because "Boys don't cry"
And what looks like a stare into space by that person who sits in the back But what she knows is just her reliving something bad
But day after day On that hill where she watches The girl with the fake smile Waits for someone else to see That the hill she's on all alone Is one of misery
Inspired by "Fool On The Hill" by the Beatles
(This note was written by scribbles you drew on a paper when you were younger. You thought that they were art then. Then you grew up some more and decided that they weren't. Then you grew up more and realized they, and that it made you feel something.)