When the cow kicked it over he winked an eye and said
“ it’s going to be a hot time in the whole town Tonight
Fire Fire Fire
FYI 1-13-25 This poem is lighthearted, however the biggest cause of fires according to an electrician is heating pads left on. Outside a lawnmower sparked by a rock, or leaf blower. Those things actually can make a fire, but the biggest threat is arson. When they allowed people to have their get out of jail free, a woman wanted to burn down California. She started five fires and caught herself on fire. She had accelerant in the car. She went to a firemen. She was arrested in 90 minutes. She was back out on the street with her car and accelerant. She lit six more fires before she was apprehended again and released California is broken. We should take the time to get rid of the sanctuary city status. Get rid those in charge who have destroyed our cities ,our state
Every year in California, we have the season of fire. It’s become a part of the landscape of living. I’m near Paradise at the time 30,000 people were evacuated. There were five other fires all around me. So many people had evacuated they were stranded on the five freeway Where to go when fire is all around. What happened in Southern California should not have happened. I see how we send my water to Southern California and it gets spilled over into the rivers instead of going to Southern California. We have very strong rules about making sure there is no brush Within 3 to 5 feet of our home. If the fire marshal observes an abundance of leaves or branches down you’re giving a red tag warning and you have 30 days for your fine so they expect us to the brush well kept homeowners have even taken care of with the city is supposed to do on the outside near the street because many fires have started because the government has not done their part case in point the car fire a car tire came off the rim was sparking that fire was very destructive could’ve been prevented if the government had done their maintenance. But what happened in Southern California governor Newsom, the mayor and the water company all those all those people should be fired. If I was Trump, I would say will help you, but those people have to be fired. They’ve been robbing Peter to pay Paul for these amounts of money for years.