These three words embodied the feeling that i have,
Lost in space,
Lost in time,
Separate from society,
Separate from my family,
Detached from this body,
Detached from this mind,
Its like a rain drop falling from the highest cloud,
Falling with no destination,
Falling on a path to destruction,
Its like a leaf falling from the highest branch in autumn,
Left behind,
Nothing to hold it in place,
Nothing to keep it living,
Its like my mind had emptied,
Like a dam opens the flood gates and lets it all out,
Noting left inside,
But the mechanics of a living thing,
Hardly living at that,
These mechanics just wering away,
Keep going like its on auto pilot,
Just moving working with no path or destination in mind,
Just a machine,
Just a thing,
These three words represent how i feel,
Left on auto pilot,
An unknown destination,
Just moving and working.
there is no destination no know path i feel like that rain drop and that leaf, falling to destruction.