I'm thinking of taking up frog juggling As a part time gig I'll have to see how it goes with this tossing of toads Before I throw myself, full time into it
With this fistful of amphibians I found down at the local swamp That are just the right size to flip, flop, and fly When I finally decide to give this a romp
Juggling can be rather slippery Even in the using of handy household objects But toss one or two toads into the stew You'll be lucky if you don't drop it
And there is no way I want to chase frogs cross the stage In the middle of my act To the gasp of the crowd as I fumble about With what little I have going quickly stage left
If you stop to think about it This may not be as easy as it seems Perhaps I should try something more on the domestic side And maybe try my luck at poodle juggling