Be humble; but don’t let your spirit be dimmed Wear pride like a crown when the odds have been skimmed Be clever; yet know when to play the fool Break a few rules, but don’t forget the school
Be righteous; but wickedness too has its day When kindness wanes; let boldness lead the way Be the shepherd; but sometimes join the flock Walk with the crowd; yet let your dreams unlock.
Be hopeful; but learn when to let dreams go Fight for what's right; yet embrace the ebb and flow Be kind-hearted; but guard your soul’s embrace Give no room for pretense in life’s vast space.
Be polite; but roar when the world is unkind Play it cool: but keep a wild heart aligned. Be wise; but remember, life’s jesters play too Dance to the beat, and once a while let chaos renew.
Be everything; a sage; a mosaic of the true Yet in all your layers; remember to be you.