Look to my right Headlights Too close Too fast "No"
Eyes shut I am spinning And so many sounds I don't remember And then My name, yelled "Are you okay?" "No"
Glass in palms The crawl to safety leaving me ****** And I am in your arms And I feel Everything "Are you okay?" "I don't know"
And then Sitting down Touching Cringing My head My thigh My chest My back My arm "Are you okay?" "I don't know"
Walking Stopping Just to breathe My hand is warm In yours "Are you okay?"
Porch light Desperate search Found keys Dogs barking Your lips On mine I stop "Are you okay?" I feel Everything
Cold White Ambulance But not mine You're fine Take this Take those too Cold showers No exercise "Are you okay?" Good. Go home"
And later At night Awake I finally answer
Okay so I truly got in an accident last Monday. A man ran a stop sign and smashed into our car. I now have a lot of internal bruising, a concussion, and a bit of insomnia. So I decided to try and write about my experience, and this is what came out.