The delta fails to drain the monsoon’s storm and fetid wetness saturates the air. Kolkata’s roads are flooded filthy warm; the ***** water’s waist deep everywhere.
We leave the inundated coastal plain and fly to Dimapur: our journey stops. My aunt and I must wait while we obtain the area restricted pass: time clots.
Detained in an hotel we watch the roads, from our imprisoning rooftop strewn with junk, we see the rickshaws carrying their loads, like toiling metal yellow beetles; cyberpunk.
Our documents arrive, we're on the way on up the jungle river's steep roadway.
d. Dimapur - a city/town in Nagaland but on the plain. It has the only airport in Nagaland. a. Restricted Area Pass - at the time an RAP was required to enter Nagaland. b. Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction set in a dystopian futuristic setting. This poem references high tech that looks somewhat archaic.