to the Exxon gas station's men's room on Highway 35 to enjoy quick **** wart removal by TOM, THE **** WART "DOCTOR"! Are you tired of sitting sideways to alleviate the pain of weepy **** warts? Why not let Tom remove them for fifty dollars? He's been doing this for weeks. "Tom 'peeled' 3 **** warts off my **** and it took only 7 minutes. He's the best!" - Mary F.; "Tom's **** wart removal technique is 90% pain-free and he always gives 10%-off to senior citizens," Stan V. (works at Kroger); "I had a large **** wart that made being a homosexual ******* very painful. After Tom removed it in a Texaco men's room, I met the ex-lesbian of my dreams. We're living together in a barn 6 miles from here. Thanks Tom!" - Todd Henson (ex-Kroger employee)