inevitable, i know...
unintentional most times, when
night time comes during broad daylight...
what i choose to forget
could not be kept at bay.
once in a while, comes visiting,
keeps popping up other times...
traces, droplets, sometimes snatches,
worse times, buckets-full......
bad, sad moments, hover, linger.
every former connection,
i want them ALL SEVERED from me...
distanced from my remaining years...
no more stabbing ache on my chest,
no more pin-pricking pain for me...
no more disturbing thoughts.... times such as this........
i struggle to be there,
where i'd rather be,
i need to be there....
for peace is all i ask for,
nothing more......
and peace is what would shower me,
there, where i always long to be...
...seated, contentedly...
with eyes half-closed, half-opened,
as i take in a view of cool serenity
~~~~~from my refuge by the sea~~~~~
...where i would be totally out of reach...
.......there, where my phantom fears......
....................d i s a p p e a r......................
(...a gloomy day, a gloomy write...)
Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan